Having research a long time on Pakistan Forums. I prepare this amazing list, Here you can find all IT Solutions and Urdu Forums where you can gain good knowledge about Urdu and IT both. Additionally The Moderator of these Form are performing Good Role. They Provide value able stuff to their users.
Why Forums are Popular ?
An opportunity to learn new things and empowered the your knowledge. Frequently, The students are used Forums and shared interesting stuff . Several times you have an urgent task any and then you do Google but can't find a exact solution to your problem. Then a Forum community at least a single member must help you and provided better solution to your problem.
List of Top Pakistani Forums
15 Sachiyari www.sachiyari.com
1 CSS Forum www.cssforum.com.pk
2 Pakistan Defence www.forum.pakistanidefence.com
3 Students Doctor www.forums.studentdoctor.net
4 Friends Korner www.friendskorner
5 IT Darasgah www.itdarasgah.com
6 IT dunya www.itdunya.com
7 IT forumpk www.itforumpk.com
8 ITilm www.itilm.com
9 IT taleem www.ittaleem.com
10 Max Pakistan www.maxpakistan.com/forums
11 Mera Forum www.meraforum.com
12 Pakistan Affairs www.pakistanaffairs.pk
13 Pak Links www.paklinks.com
14 Propakistani www.propakistani.pk
16 Siasat www.siasat.pk
17 Tafreh Mella www.tafrehmella.com
18 Toms Guide www.tomsguide.com
19 Travellers point www.travellerspoint.com
20 Trip advisor www.tripadvisor.com
21 Urdufanz www.urdufanz.com
22 Urdu Planet www.urduplanet.com
23 Wired Pakistan www.wiredpakistan.com
24 Xit Club It www.xitclub.com
25 Zameen www.zameen.comforumLet me know if anyone know Good Forum, which are in Pakistan they can email us or comment us we all added into our list.